You can import a georeferenced image as a base map and the image will be imported in the correct real world
XY coordinates.
If the image is not currently georeferenced (i.e a scanned image or other non-georeferenced image), you can still
load it as a base map with the Map | New | Base Map option. As long as the edges of the map are parallel with
the axes (not rotated), you can recalibrate the image to use real world map coordinates. After you load the
image as a base map, click on Base in the Object Manager to display the Map: Base properties in the Property
Manager. On the General tab, the Image Coordinates section contains edit boxes for the X and Y minimum and
maximum coordinates. Enter the correct real world coordinates for the lower left and upper right corners of the
map. An image base map must be georeferenced to combine it with other map types correctly.
2. Find xMin, xMax, yMin and yMax of your map
3. After entering the coordonnate system, click on Save → a popout appers where you can ajust the size and color of your map, the pirures below show you this process.
Step 2