Map Interpretation for Structural Geologistscovers various topics, from deciphering topography using contour patterns to interpreting folds, faults, unconformities and dykes. By interpreting several types of maps, this book gives readers the confidence to solve difficult geologic questions related to map interpretation in the classroom and in the field. Interpreting geological and structural maps is an inseparable part of learning structural geology in the undergraduate curriculum and postgraduate development.
Interpretingtopography and structures from geo- logical maps is a fundamental and compulsory exercise for Bachelors and Masters
students in geosciences. This book presents how to interpret maps and draw their
cross-sections. Students are requested to consult standard textbooks of structural
geology for definitions and diagrams for the common terms used in this book. A
number of solved maps are provided along with few
unsolved exercises for practice. This will help students to practice map
interpretation with nominal guidance. Starting from preliminary concepts (e.g.,
topography, horizontal, and inclined beds), maps with single "components"
(folds, faults, and unconformities) are explained. This is followed by maps
with multiple components and map completion exercises. We believe the book
provides sufficient information for a single semester to teach beginners. We
welcome any comments, suggestions, or alternate explanations for the solved