
Essential Modeling Techniques for Geospatial Analysis Using ArcGIS An Intermediate-Level GIS Workbook, First Edition


In the spring of 2010, the Humboldt State University formed the Geospatial Task Force to improve the geospatial curriculum. Assigned to develop a practical series of Geospatial courses that would serve students across multiple programs, two primary areas of assessment were considered. First, the existing curriculum was evaluated for redundancy and overlap. Second, professional requirements were identified to eliminate obsolete content and replace it with relevant job skills.

As a member of the Geospatial Task Force, I conducted interviews with both alumni and students to gain first-hand insight into our assessment goals. The consensus from those who had experience with geospatial courses at HSU was that the Intermediate Geographic Information Systems course was outdated and lacked relevancy in terms of job skills and modern analytical methods. This assessment was confirmed when course content was evaluated based on standards defined in the U.S. Department of Labor Geospatial Technology Competency Model. This book is the result of the work and development that followed over the years following the Geospatial Task Force recommendation. Here, readers will find an introduction to several geospatial modeling techniques.

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