Introduction to Remote Sensing Fif th Edition
Readers of earlier editions will notice immediately that among the
changes for this new, mfifth edition, the most significant is the addition of a
coauthor—a change that will benefit readers by the contribution of additional
expertise and of another perspective on the subject matter. During the interval
that has elapsed since the release of the fourth edition, the pace of changes
within the field of remote sensing and within the geospatial realm in general has
continued to escalate at a pace that in earlier decades would have seemed
unimaginable, even for committed visionaries. Likewise, few could have
anticipated the development of the analytical tools and techniques available
for examination of remotely sensed data, the widespread availability of
remotely sensed imagery, or the multiplicity of remote sensing’s uses
throughout society. These developments alone present a challenge for any
text on this subject.
Further, the tremendous volume of relevant material and the
thorough access provided by the World Wide Web can cause anyone to ponder the
role of a university text— isn’t its content already available to any reader?
The reality is that, despite the value of the World Wide Web as a resource for
any student of remote sensing, its complexity and dynamic character can
increase, rather than diminish, the value of an introductory text. Because of
the overwhelming volume of unstructured information encountered on the Web,
students require a guide to provide structure and context that enable them to
select and assess the many sources at hand. This text forms a guide for the use
of the many other sources available—sources that may be more comprehensive and
up to date than the content of any text. Thus, we encourage students to use
this volume in partnership with online materials; the text can serve as a guide
that provides context, and online materials as a reference that provides
additional detail where needed.
Instructors should supplement the content of this volume with
material of significance in their own programs. Supplementary materials will,
of course, vary greatly from one institution to the next, depending on access
to facilities and equipment, as well as the varying expectations and interests
of instructors, students, and curricula. It is assumed that the text will be
used as the basis for readings and lectures and that most courses will
include at least brief laboratory exercises that permit students
to examine more images than can be presented here. Because access to specific equipment
and software varies so greatly, and because of the great variation in emphasis
noted earlier, this book does not include laboratory exercises. Each chapter
concludes with a set of Review Questions and problems that can assist in review
and assessment of concepts and material.
For students who intend to specialize in remote sensing, this text
forms not only an introduction but also a framework for subjects to be studied
in greater detail. Students who do plan specialization in remote sensing should
consult their instructors to plan a comprehensive course of study based on work
in several disciplines, as discussed in
Chapter 1. This approach is reflected in the text itself: It
introduces the student to principal topics of significance for remote sensing
but recognizes that students will require additional depth in their chosen
fields of specialization.
For those students who do not intend to pursue remote sensing
beyond the introductory level, this book serves as an overview and introduction,
so that they can understand remote sensing, its applications in varied
disciplines, and its significance in today’s world. For many, the primary
emphasis may focus on study of those chapters and methods of greatest
significance in the student’s major field of study.